Sunday, April 27, 2008


alright, i officially hate the seagulls at the beach! sure, they look all cute and dandy in that photo but when u are at a party on a friday night and all they wanna do is eat your food and poop then we develop problems! so thank u gross seagulls for surrounding me, more like suffocating me while i was trying to eat bbq! ha. atleast, thankfully, by the grace of god u didnt poo on my head but u pooed near me and i didnt like it! haha. yay for charles though who nailed one of u suckers with a football!! u had it coming! better him hit u, then me kill u!! jk i wouldnt! oh btw there were more seagulls, way more seagulls than shown in the pic i took! gotta loves gods beautiful creations! haha.


The Youngs said...

bahahaha! the seagulls were so annoying!!