Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!


I hope everyone is having or had a wonderful Christmas! In all the busyness and stress that this time of the year brings, let us remember the real reason for this season and that is Jesus Christ. It isn't about the number of gifts we receive or the amount of money we spend on others but it's about celebrating the birth of Christ and all He has done for us. Let's be sure to put Christ first today and be thankful for all He has done for us. Didn't get that gift you wanted? Doesn't matter. Because Jesus Christ is all we are going to ever need, ever. Focus your eyes on Him because He is the reason we are even here. He is the greatest gift we will ever receive and He goes above anything this world has to offer. Thank you Jesus for ALL YOU HAVE DONE and your sacrifice. I love you Lord!

The Reality Of Christmas :) Watch :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

WOW! It's been WAY TOO LONG since I've blogged!!

Well, for anyone who reads my blog, I am SORRY! I have been "busy" and haven't had a sufficient amount of time to blog. But I'm back now :) I'm going to try to stay consistent with blogging! I don't even know where to start.... It's Christmas break! yay! Can't wait for Christmas :) 

Well, my initial reason for blogging is because I told baby Charley I would! He was born November 3rd, 6lbs, 7oz, 20.5 inches and I've yet to blog about this beautiful baby!!
so here's some pictures of this adorable cutie!!! Kristen and Charles are the blessed parents :) Congrats :) You two are the best and so deserving. 

Charles Anthony Young Jr. (Charley)




He is such a cutie!! 

Okay, that's all for now, I'll try to blog more often :) Hope everyone has an AWESOME CHRISTMAS!! and remembers the real meaning of Christmas- Christ.

until next time....